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Ear Pinning

Ear pinning, also known as otoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reshape the ears. It is typically suitable for individuals with protruding ears, large ears, or ears that are deformed due to injury or birth defect.

ear pinning

Risk Level

Ear pinning is a relatively low-risk procedure, but there are some potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, and scarring. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with your surgeon before making a decision.

Treatment Basis

Ear pinning is usually performed on an outpatient basis, meaning you can go home the same day. However, in some cases, an overnight stay in the hospital may be necessary.

Preparation and Recovery

Before ear pinning, you will need to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for several weeks. You may also need to take certain medications to reduce the risk of bleeding and infection. The average recovery time for ear pinning is 1-2 weeks. During this time, you will need to wear a headband to protect your ears and avoid strenuous activity.

Quality of Treatment in Mexico

Mexico is a popular destination for medical tourism, and there are many highly experienced and qualified ear pinning surgeons in the country. Mexican hospitals also have access to state-of-the-art medical technology.

Advantages with Medxico

Booking your ear pinning treatment with Medxico offers several advantages, including:

  • Exclusive access to our partner world-class hospitals
  • Personalized care from a dedicated team of medical professionals
  • Comprehensive support throughout your medical journey, including transportation, accommodation, and translation services

Free Consultation Reminder

Before undergoing ear pinning, it is important to request a free consultation with Medxico. This consultation will allow you to discuss your desired outcomes, understand the risks and benefits of the procedure, and get a personalized quote.

To summarize, ear pinning is a safe and effective procedure to reshape the ears. It is typically performed on an outpatient basis and has a relatively short recovery time. Mexico is a popular destination for medical tourism, and there are many highly experienced and qualified ear pinning surgeons in the country. Booking your treatment with Medxico offers several advantages, including exclusive access to world-class hospitals, personalized care, and comprehensive support

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